Elastocapillary imbibition (bibtex)
by , ,
J. M. Aristoff, C. Duprat and H. A. Stone, "Elastocapillary imbibition", Int. J. Non Linear Mech., vol. 46, no. 4, may 2011, pp. 648–656.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =    {Jeffrey M. Aristoff and Camille Duprat and Howard A. Stone},
  title =     {Elastocapillary imbibition},
  journal =   {Int. J. Non Linear Mech.},
  year =      {2011},
  volume =    {46},
  number =    {4},
  pages =     {648--656},
  month =     may,
  doi =       {10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2010.09.001},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}
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