A note on the breathing mode of an elastic sphere in Newtonian and complex fluids (bibtex)
by , ,
V. Galstyan, O. S. Pak and H. A. Stone, "A note on the breathing mode of an elastic sphere in Newtonian and complex fluids", Phys. Fluids, vol. 27, no. 3, mar 2015, pp. 032001.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =    {Vahe Galstyan and On Shun Pak and Howard A. Stone},
  title =     {A note on the breathing mode of an elastic sphere in {Newton}ian and complex fluids},
  journal =   {Phys. Fluids},
  year =      {2015},
  volume =    {27},
  number =    {3},
  pages =     {032001},
  month =     mar,
  doi =       {10.1063/1.4914045},
  publisher = {{AIP} Publishing}
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