Control of the length of microfibers (bibtex)
by , , ,
J. K. Nunes, K. Sadlej, J. I. Tam, H. A. Stone, "Control of the length of microfibers", Lab. Chip, vol. 12, no. 13, 2012, pp. 2301.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =    {Janine K. Nunes and Krzysztof Sadlej and Jee Ian Tam and Howard A. Stone},
  title =     {Control of the length of microfibers},
  journal =   {Lab. Chip},
  year =      {2012},
  volume =    {12},
  number =    {13},
  pages =     {2301},
  doi =       {10.1039/c2lc40280g},
  publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})}
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