Dynamics of Drop Deformation and Breakup in Viscous Fluids (bibtex)
H. A. Stone, "Dynamics of Drop Deformation and Breakup in Viscous Fluids", Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., vol. 26, no. 1, jan 1994, pp. 65–102.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =    {H A Stone},
  title =     {Dynamics of Drop Deformation and Breakup in Viscous Fluids},
  journal =   {Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech.},
  year =      {1994},
  volume =    {26},
  number =    {1},
  pages =     {65--102},
  month =     jan,
  doi =       {10.1146/annurev.fl.26.010194.000433},
  publisher = {Annual Reviews}
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