Highly elastic fibers in a shear flow can form double helices (bibtex)
by , , , , , ,
A. M. Slowicka, N. Xue, L. Liu, J. K. Nunes, P. Sznajder, H. A. Stone, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, "Highly elastic fibers in a shear flow can form double helices", New Journal of Physics, Jun 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Highly elastic fibers in a shear flow can form double helices},
    author={Slowicka, Agnieszka M and Xue, Nan and Liu, Lujia and Nunes, Janine K and Sznajder, Pawel and Stone, Howard A and Ekiel-Jezewska, Maria L},
      journal={New Journal of Physics},
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